NLU powered by LLMs using Firebase GenKit with GitHub Models (English)

NLU powered by LLMs using Firebase GenKit with GitHub Models (English)

The NLU powered by LLMs that just works

  1. Introduction
  2. Setup
    1. Open Genkit UI
    2. Run the Firebase emulator
  3. Configuration
  4. Development
    1. Linting
    2. Building
  5. Code Explanation
  6. Prompt Definition
  7. Usage
    1. Intents
    2. Entities
    3. Example
  8. Deploy
  9. Resources
  10. Conclusion


This project implements a Natural Language Understanding (NLU) flow using Firebase Genkit AI and Firebase Functions. The NLU flow detects intents and extracts entities from a given text input.

this project uses GitHub Models using the Genkit GitHub models plugin.

This project uses the following technologies:

  1. Firebase Functions
  2. Firebase Genkit
  3. GitHub Models

This project uses the following Node.js Packages:

  1. @genkit-ai/firebase: Genkit Firebase SDK to be able to use Genkit in Firebase Functions
  2. genkitx-ollama: Genkit Ollama plugin to be able to use Ollama in Genkit
  3. genkit: Genkit AI Core SDK


  1. Clone this repository: GitHub repository.
  2. Run npm install to install the dependencies in the functions folder
  3. Run firebase login to login to your Firebase account
  4. Install genkit-cli by running npm install -g genkit

This repo is supposed to be used with NodeJS version 20.

Open Genkit UI

Go to the functions folder and run npm run genkit:start to open the Genkit UI. The UI will be available at http://localhost:4000.

Full-width image Firebase Genkit UI

Run the Firebase emulator

To run the function locally, run firebase emulators:start --inspect-functions.

The emulator will be available at http://localhost:4001


  1. Ensure you have the necessary Firebase configuration files (firebase.json, .firebaserc).

  2. Update the nlu/intents.yml and nlu/entities.yml files with your intents and entities.



Run ESLint to check for code quality issues:

npm run lint


Compile the TsypeScript code:

npm run build

Code Explanation

  • Configuration: The genkit function is called to set up the Genkit environment with plugins for Firebase, GitHub, and Dotprompt. It also sets the log level to “debug” and enables tracing and metrics.
const ai = genkit({
  plugins: [github()],
  promptDir: 'prompts',
  model: openAIGpt4o
  • Flow Definition: The nluFlow is defined using the onFlow function.
    • Configuration: The flow is named nluFlow and has input and output schemas defined using zod. The input schema expects an object with a text string, and the output schema is a string. The flow does not require authentication (noAuth).
    • nluFlow: The flow processes the input:
      • Schema Definition: Defines an nluOutput schema with intent and entities.
      • Prompt Reference: Gets a reference to the “nlu” dotprompt file.
      • File Reading: Reads intents.yml and entities.yml files.
      • Prompt Generation: Uses the nluPrompt to generate output based on the input text and the read intents and entities.
      • Return Output: Returns the generated output with type nluOutput.
export const nluFlow = onFlow(
    name: "nluFlow",
    inputSchema: z.object({text: z.string()}),
    outputSchema: z.string(),
    authPolicy: noAuth(), // Not requiring authentication.
  async (toDetect) => {
    const nluOutput = ai.defineSchema(
        intent: z.string(),
        entities:, z.string()),

    const nluPrompt = ai.prompt<
                        z.ZodTypeAny, // Input schema
                        typeof nluOutput, // Output schema
                        z.ZodTypeAny // Custom options schema

    const intents = readFileSync('nlu/intents.yml','utf8');
    const entities = readFileSync('nlu/entities.yml','utf8');

    const result = await nluPrompt({
        intents: intents,
        entities: entities,
        user_input: toDetect.text,

    return JSON.stringify(result.output);

Prompt Definition

This nlu.prompt file defines a prompt for a Natural Language Understanding (NLU) model. Here’s a breakdown of its components:

  1. Model Specification:
    model: github/gpt-4o

    This specifies the LLM model to be used, in this case, github/gpt-4o.

  2. Input Schema:
        intents: string
        entities: string
        user_input: string

    This defines the input schema for the prompt. It expects three string inputs:

    • intents: A string representing the intents.
    • entities: A string representing the entities.
    • user_input: A string representing the user’s input text.
  3. Output Specification:
      format: json
      schema: nluOutput

    This defines the output format and schema. The output will be in JSON format and should conform to the nluOutput schema.

  4. Prompt Text:
      model: github/gpt-4o
       intents: string
       entities: string
       user_input: string
     format: json
     schema: nluOutput
    You are a NLU that detects intents and extract entities from a given text.
    you have these intents and utterances:
    You also have these entities:
    The user says: {{user_input}}
    Please specify the intent detected and the entity detected

    This is the actual prompt text that will be used by the model. It provides context and instructions to the model:

    • It describes the role of the model as an NLU system.
    • It includes placeholders ({{intents}}, {{entities}}, {{user_input}}) that will be replaced with the actual input values.
    • It asks the model to specify the detected intent and entity based on the provided user input.


The main NLU flow is defined in index.ts. It reads intents and entities from YAML files and uses a prompt defined in nlu.prompt to generate responses.


The intents are defined in the nlu/intents.yml file. Each intent has a name and a list of training phrases.

As an example, the following intent is defined in the nlu/intents.yml file:

    - I want a pair of shoes from {shoes_brand}
    - a shoes from {shoes_brand}

The format is as follows:

    - training phrase 1
    - training phrase 2
    - ...


The entities are defined in the nlu/entities.yml file. Each entity has a name and a list of synonyms.

As an example, the following entity is defined in the nlu/entities.yml file:

    - Puma
    - Nike

The format is as follows:

    - synonym 1
    - synonym 2
    - ...


To trigger the NLU flow, send a request with the following structure:

  "text": "Your input text here"

The response will be a JSON object with the following structure:

  "intent": "intent-name",
  "entities": {
    "entity-name": "entity-value"


To deploy the function, run firebase deploy --only functions.



As you can see, it is very easy to use Genkit and GitHub Models in Firebase Functions. You can use this example as a starting point to create your own functions using Genkit and GitHub Models.

You can find the full code of this example in the GitHub repository

Happy coding!

Made with ❤ by Xavier Portilla Edo © 2021. All rights reserved.